How to get rid of parasites in the body

Parasites in the human body can cause serious damage to human health. But you can defeat them. The most important thing in this case is timely detection and proper treatment.


Parasites in the human body: health hazards

In most cases, people are unaware that they have parasites in their bodies. In addition, the parasite not only chooses the intestines as a habitat, but also other internal organs - the liver, gallbladder, etc. Helminthic invasion is asymptomatic until a certain time without causing particular inconvenience. But despite this, it should be understood that infection with worms or helminths can cause severe disorders of the nervous system and digestive system, skin and allergic diseases as well as cause a deterioration of metabolic processes and premature aging of the body. According to some researchers, the presence of helminths inhibits the treatment of many diseases.

Parasitic eggs enter the human body through dirty hands, unwashed vegetables and fruits, contaminated fish and meat, dirty water, blood-sucking insects as well as by contact with soil. To prevent the presence of parasites in the body, special attention should be paid to precautions in connection with pets - cats and dogs.

Signs of a parasitic infection

In most cases, helminthiasis, ie. infection in the body with a parasite, characterized by the appearance of problems in the activity of the digestive system, general weakness and nervousness. But similar signs may indicate other diseases. By the way, night creaking teeth occur, which can also be attributed to the symptoms of infection with worms, sometimes due to a malformed bite, otorhinolaryngological diseases or nerve diseases. And a sharp drop in weight in a patient infected with worms is already observed in an advanced stage. The danger for helminths lies in the fact that they have the ability to camouflage well. And yet you need to know the appearance of what symptoms indicate infection with this or that kind of worms.

Ascaris sign:

  • significant temperature rise;
  • dry or wet cough
  • rash on the skin
  • sleep disorders and tooth grinding
  • the occurrence of sharp pain in the right side;
  • decreased appetite
  • stool problems.

Signs of pinworms:

  • itchy sensations in the anus;
  • loss of appetite
  • dry mouth
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet, sometimes false;
  • headache
  • sleep disorders
  • the presence of cracks in the anus;
  • urinary incontinence at night.

At the slightest suspicion that parasites have formed in the body, seek the help of a specialist immediately, who will perform the necessary tests and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Anti-parasite drug: diagnosis and treatment with drugs

Not every parasite is able to exist independently and feeds on the resources of their "host". Therefore, if the results of the tests performed indicate that a parasite has settled inside the body, you should not postpone a visit to the hospital. drug treatmentThe treatment process is not easy, so it is better to perform it under the supervision of a specialist. A self-prepared remedy against parasites such as a tincture or an enema does not give a positive result. A competent and qualified approach prevents the transition to helminthiasis to the stage of chronic disease.

Before starting drug treatment, the doctor suggests that the patient donate feces, urine, blood and sputum for laboratory tests. In addition, he will be prescribed procedures such as ultrasound, tomography, endoscopy and enzyme immunoassay. If worms are found in the body, the content of eosinophils in the blood increases and worm eggs appear in the feces. After examining the test results, the doctor determines what type of parasites the body is infected with. To get rid of each of them, a separate treatment is prescribed. Usually in such cases the doctor prescribes a complex therapy, including reception:

  • anthelmintic drugs against parasites intended to control a specific type of parasite;
  • enzymes, hepatoprotectors, vitamins and drugs that increase the body's defenses
  • drugs that improve intestinal motility and the process of bile secretion.

For maximum effectiveness, your doctor may recommend a step-by-step treatment:

  • The first step involves adhering to a special diet and the beginning of taking medication to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and improve gallbladder function.
  • The next step is direct therapy, which consists of taking medication prescribed by a doctor.
  • And the last stage is the removal of the broken worms from the body.

After all parasites in the body have been destroyed and removed, it may be necessary to restore impaired vital functions and strengthen immunity. Activated carbon or enteric gel can be used to remove toxins. And to increase immunity weakened by the fight against disease, immune modulators are prescribed. Treatment of helminthiasis is cyclical and a re-examination should only be performed after one and a half to two months.

Used in recipes for alternative medicine, such a remedy against parasites as onions and garlic can serve as a good help in the fight against worms, but only as a remedy to increase human immunity.

Helminthiasis prevention measures

To prevent the possibility of helminthiasis infection, you need to take certain precautions:

Preventive measurements
  • Do not drink water from natural reservoirs and the spring window to avoid washing vegetables and fruits before eating;
  • When buying raw meat, make sure it has a veterinary stamp.
  • fish and meat must undergo long-term heat treatment
  • wash your hands thoroughly before each meal and after contact with pets and the ground
  • keep the house in order and follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Restrict or exclude swimming in stagnant waters.

Organize the prevention of parasites in the body of pets.