Unfortunately, no one is immune to worm infection - both adults and children are susceptible. A person lives and does not suspect that there are about 250 varieties of parasites living in his body - these can be both microscopic worms and up to a meter in length. In order not to become a carrier of parasites, let's find out what types of helminths are, what are the first signs and symptoms of infection with worms, how to treat them and how to get them out, and also talk about the consequences and necessaryprevention.
What is helminthiasis and what types of parasites are there?
Helminthiasis is the common name for the disease, which is caused by different kinds of parasitic worms. It just so happened that in everyday life we are used to calling all parasites worms without thinking about how many species there are. There are 3 main groups of parasites:
- nematodes;
- tapeworm;
- parasitic slings (trematodes).
Nematodes are a type of roundworm. These include needleworms, roundworms and trichinae. Each of these parasites is dangerous because they cause various lung diseases in adults and children. But the pinworm parasite is especially dangerous from this group - it does not have a permanent habitat, but migrates around the human body and affects various organs. Pinworms have the appearance of white worms, whose infection in most cases occurs through contact with cats and dogs. With untimely treatment, it can stop in the brain, then the consequences become the most unpleasant.

Flatworms include echinococci, various types of tapeworms. Tapeworms may not appear for a long time and eventually reach up to 10 meters in length. The first sign of worm infection is rapid weight loss. They are dangerous because they affect the intestines, nervous system, eyes and liver. The most common way to get infected with tapeworms is by eating raw fish, especially sushi lovers should be careful. It looks like a six-meter tapeworm that was removed from a person.

Fluke parasites or trematodes are carriers of many infections, but the most common is schistosomiasis, a disease native to the tropics that is second only to malaria in the world (according to the WHO). Most disappointing is that such parasites are resistant to anthelmintic drugs. Therefore, the sooner you are aware of the symptoms, consult a doctor and get tested, the better. A little further we will tell you what kind of research is needed and from whom you can get qualified help.

Very often people do not pay much attention to worms and let the problem go its way. But you can not do this - any group of parasites are very dangerous and can cause irreparable damage to the body. In addition to the development of chronic diseases, cases of paralysis and blindness have also been reported in people infected with worms. Therefore, treatment of worms should be carried out on time and not postpone such a serious problem until later.
Causes of helminthiasis
Helminthiasis occurs when eggs of worms enter the human body. And the most common reasons for this:
- ignores the hygiene rules;
- the presence of pets or contact with domestic animals (especially cows and pigs);
- the use of unwashed vegetables and fruits;
- the habit of biting nails, pens, pencils;
- use of meat and fish products that have not undergone adequate heat treatment;
- drink inadequately purified water;
- contact with a person infected with worms;
- insect bite.

Most often, children who go to kindergarten or school, plumbers, specialists in wastewater and sewage treatment and agricultural workers are at risk of being infected with worms.
Signs and symptoms of helminthiasis
The most, at first glance, "harmless" symptoms of damage to internal organs of worms are rash on the skin or hives. But there are much more serious signs:
- bad digestion;
- constant lethargy and fatigue;
- allergy in various manifestations;
- swelling;
- persistent headache;
- prolonged cough;
- nausea and vomiting not associated with intoxication;
- elevated temperature;
- acute abdominal pain;
- anemia;
- constipation or diarrhea;
- decreased or conversely increased appetite, especially for sweets (parasites suck glucose out of the body);
- weight loss, even with a good appetite;
- inflammation or enlargement of the lymph nodes;
- abrasive teeth in sleep;
- irritability and aggression for no reason;
- the presence of white worms in the feces;
- constant itching in the anus.

If at least 5 points from the above appear, do not postpone a visit to the doctor and do not self-medicate. First of all, sign up for a consultation with a therapist who will tell you the next steps and refer you to a narrow specialist. A gastroenterologist is also competent in this case where even testing for some helminths is included in the basic examination.
In the absence of timely treatment, complications such as inflammation of the pancreas, blockage of the bile ducts, intestinal obstruction, ulcers are possible.
What tests should be taken if helminthiasis is suspected?
First of all, it is necessary to pass a stool test for helminths and an enzyme immunoassay. An X-ray of the bowel with contrast is taken after the doctor's prescription. For each parasite, take a separate blood sample. And with the search for roundworm, only fecal analysis helps. Modern clinics and diagnostic centers offer a range of services to pass the necessary tests that you need to properly prepare for.
What are the treatments for worms?
Medical treatment
What if the results of the tests were disappointing? How to remove parasites? Modern medicine proves that many diseases occur due to the presence of worms in a person, so the war on parasites requires special tactics. The link between oncology and the long-term presence of parasites in the body has also been proven. It is often difficult to recognize an infection with worms, and doctors who rely on a person's general malaise confuse helminthiasis with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Only after a correct diagnosis and passing the necessary tests, it is possible to diagnose the disease and start treating it.
Treatment of parasites includes complex therapy. As a result, not only do worms die, but the consequences of their life activity are also eliminated.
Along with anthelmintic tablets, in the treatment of worms, vitamins, probiotics and enzymes are prescribed, which normalize digestion. In addition, the use of antihistamines is not excluded. Iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid are prescribed if anemia is present or at risk.

Proper nutrition
Effective treatment is also in the diet. Throughout the treatment, exclude carbohydrates from the diet: grains, pasta, potatoes - they make it difficult for the intestines to work. Especially during the ban during treatment are fish that have not undergone adequate heat treatment - white worms may be present in herring, sushi, pickled fish. It is recommended to use fermented milk products, ripe melon juice, garlic. Do not neglect pumpkin seeds - this is also an excellent prevention for both adults and children.
According to the results of the tests and the patient's condition, the duration of treatment is determined by the parasitologist and the infectious disease specialist.

It is important to remember that when at least one member of the family is infected with worms, the whole family performs prevention. And if you have pets, so do they. Perform heat treatment of underwear and bedding, bathroom with disinfectants. Service and other household items must also be treated. After implementing preventive measures for 2-3 weeks, the whole family should be tested for the presence of a worm egg.
The fight against helminths folk medicine
A phytotherapeutic agent is recommended in cases where the patient has intolerance to drugs. Herbal treatment is a long process that requires regular and daily adherence to the cure.
There is a universal collection that has a wide range of effects on parasites. His recipe is very simple. For this you need to take herbs:
- 2 tablespoons chamomile flowers;
- 1 tablespoon mistletoe leaves;
- 1 tablespoon eucalyptus;
- 1 tablespoon thyme;
- 1 tablespoon willowherb;
- 1 tablespoon rosemary;
- 2 spskcalamus rod;
- 2 tablespoons dandelion flowers;
- 2 tbsp.
We mix all the components in a dry form, pour 2, 5 liters of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Then we filter and take a glass of infusion morning and evening for 2 weeks. In severe cases, the course is extended to one month.
The unique thing about the collection is that it destroys most types of parasites, while not harming the body. It can also be taken as a preventative measure. It is not recommended to take this collection during pregnancy as some herbs have abortive properties.
Treatment during pregnancy
What to do if helminthiasis is detected during pregnancy? After all, in this position you can not take potent drugs, and anthelmintic drugs are just that. There are two opinions on this:
- Some doctors recommend starting treatment after childbirth when there is no harmful effect of drugs on the fetus.
- Others insist on starting treatment of worms as soon as possible, as the parasites tend to penetrate the placenta and infect the baby's lungs, causing respiratory diseases. It is also possible to terminate a pregnancy, miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, a pregnant woman should definitely consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests.
What to do if a child has parasites?
The responsibility for the treatment of children lies primarily with the parents. Not from the first time of testing, you can detect worms in a child. There is the concept of an incubation period, and sometimes the parasite begins to manifest no earlier than 21-35 days after entering the body. Therefore, children are often prescribed to take a stool test up to 3 times.

Parents should also understand that anthelmintic drugs are not just a vitamin pill, but serious antiparasitic drugs that should only be taken under the supervision and prescription of a doctor.
Worm prevention - effective methods
Adherence to the rules of prevention will save you and your family from an unpleasant disease - helminthiasis, especially since they are very simple:
- Be sure to wash your hands after walking before eating and after visiting public places.
- If you have a pet that you care about a lot, take care of it, especially if there is a small child in the house who is in close contact with the animal. After all, it is animals that in 60% of cases are distributors of worms that bring parasites from the street into wool and on their paws.
- Pour boiling water over fruits and vegetables before eating.
- Get rid of the habit of biting nails and other foreign bodies.
- Meat and fish that you eat, bring to 100% readiness.
- Drink only purified water from reliable sources.
- Avoid contact with an infected person until they are fully recovered, as kissing can also transmit helminths.
- Avoid places with a large concentration of insects, especially mosquitoes - they are dangerous carriers of various kinds of parasites.
- Perform regular pet deworming twice a year. In the low season, in spring and autumn, immunity is weakened, which is a beneficial environment for the development of parasites. Pets are given anthelmintic drugs for the first 10 days of life, and then in case of infection.
By using these simple methods of prevention you will protect yourself and your family from helminthiasis. The more time you spend on prevention, the less on treatment. Be healthy!